Monday, August 27, 2012

How to deworm a dog

By Jerry Welsh

Dogs are truly man's best friends as these animals have provided man with unending unconditional love, protection, companionship and compassion. As such, humans repay their four legged friends not only with regular meals. As a preventive measure against illnesses, dog owners make sure that the pet is provided with regular veterinary care.

Intestinal parasites are one of the most common concerns of dog owners. A pet owner has to know how to deworm the dog as the infestation can be transmitted to other pets and also to humans. Before administering any deworming medication it would be best if the pet is taken to a vet for correct diagnosis.

Whipworms, roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms infest more that 30% of dogs. As the name implies, heartworms is a deadly parasite that survive in the pet's heart to restrict blood blow that will damage other vital organs and eventually cause death if no treatment is given. Most dogs would be infested with worm in their lifetime. Puppies are even born with worms contracted from the mother dog.

Getting rid of the pesky worms is not as easy as shoving a deworming pill down the dog's throat. A pet owner may think that the parasites were effectively eradicated with an over the counter medication but apart from being dose dependent, not all dewormers are effective against all types of intestinal worms. Considering the life cycle of worms, a one-time treatment may not totally eliminate the infestation.

An aggressive course of deworming treatment is necessary for puppies. For puppies, deworming medication must be given when the puppy is 2 week old and every two weeks thereafter until the pup is 12 weeks old. This course of treatment will eradicate not only the existing worms inside the dog's body but also the worms that will be hatched. The same kind of treatment must be given to the nursing dam. This course of treatment must be followed by monthly deworming until the puppy is 6 months old. Internal parasite infestation can spread easily as infested dogs would excrete feces with the parasite's larva. The risk of reinfection is very high given the dogs tendency to eat poop and to play in areas where they have previously defecated. A broad spectrum worming medication given to the pet every three months will prevent another internal parasite infestation

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