Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why do dogs lean?

By Jerry Welsh

There are many reasons why people would always want to have a dog by their side. While some breeds work for a living, majority of these four legged friends are primarily kept as companions. Dogs are truly wonderful creatures as apart from showing an eagerness to please its people, dogs are very loyal and protective animals as well. Being social animals, dogs would always manifest its affectionate nature. Dogs therefore are given human-like qualities and considered as family members.

Nature has not gifted the dog with the ability to speak but these intelligent creatures can very well communicate with people by using an array of gestures and body language. Any dog owner would know that the dog has the propensity to lean. A dog would be seen leaning on people's legs to gain balance when one leg is raised to scratch the body. The dog's tendency to lean can be attributed to other reasons. Affection, possessiveness, a show of dominance and protection are other reasons why dogs lean on people.

Dogs will show their affectionate nature to all the members of the family as dogs are social animals. A dog would take every chance it could have to get close to its human family and once close, the dog would lean its body and give the person sloppy kisses. Dog owners would provide the pet with comfortable beds and crates but the pet preferring to be close to the members of its human family would prefer to lean and sleep on the master's feet.

Dogs are possessive and dominant by nature and this behaviors are manifested when the dog leans on people. Dogs heightened senses makes them easily perceive danger. Once danger is seen, the dog would lean on the master...ready to offer protection. Due to the strong bond between master and dog, it is not surprising if the dog shows a possessive attitude. The dog's tendency to lean can be an expression of its possessive characteristics.

Leaning would show the dog's dominant behavior. Dogs are pack animals and the tendency to lean is a demonstration of its dominant personality. Owners of dominant pets will be overwhelmed with the task of managing the pet. The affectionate personality that is manifested by the dog's tendency to lean is one of the reasons why dogs are highly valued pets but if leaning is done by the pet to be dominant then it is imperative for the behavior to be modified.

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