Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to cure the dog's upset stomach?

By Jerry Welsh

Considering the huge appetites as well as the indiscriminate eating habits of dogs, dog owners should not be surprised if the pet suffer from an upset stomach every now and then. Dogs are well loved pets but owners can't help but be exasperated by the pet's fondness for eating spoiled food and non-food items. Being food motivated these animals would always want to eat and when food is not available, anything interesting will be ingested.

The dogs upset stomach can be attributed to a lot of reasons. Dogs with sensitive stomach are susceptible to gastro intestinal health concerns but stomach upsets are commonly associated with the dog's indiscriminate eating habits. In some dogs, stomach upset can simply be the result of a change in diet or it can also be a symptom of an existing but undiagnosed medical concern the results to a weak immune system.

As stomach upset is a common concern, taking the dog to a vet may not be necessary. The dog's condition can be resolved at home and in a day or two the pet would be its usual energetic self again. As upset stomach is a common problem with canines, the owner would know what must be done when the dog vomits, have diarrhea and passes gas.

Due to the discomfort in the stomach area, the dog would be less energetic and would even seem to be lethargic. Because of the huge appetites, dogs would never say no to ingesting food. However, the pain in the belly would cause a dog to turn away from food . Dog owners have to carefully observe the dog as when the dog's diarrhea or vomit contains blood, a veterinarian must be consulted at once. These are symptoms of a more serious illness and not just an ordinary stomach upset.

Normally , a dog with an upset stomach is fasted. Older dogs are normally fasted for 24 hours. Young dogs are either fasted overnight or given small amounts of bland food. These measures will give the stomach a chance to rest. Dehydration is a serious concern that can results from diarrhea and vomiting thus the pet must be encouraged to drink. Drinking can worsen the pain being felt by the pet thus it would refuse to drink. The dog must be encouraged to drink to prevent dehydration. Ice cubes will be more interesting thus the dog will be encouraged to replenish lost fluids. After the stomach has rested, the dog can be allowed to have small amount of boiled chicken and rice.

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