Friday, August 24, 2012

Is Dog Training The Right Thing For You?

By Kirk McGee

Every Christmas so many Americans buy puppies for loved ones. This year when you give the puppy, also slip in this article to help out. There are many effective ways to train a dog, and we will be discussing some of the most common to the most unique tricks we have learned.

When training your dog, you should never punish it for something it did wrong, way after it occurred. If you do not punish your dog immediately after a wrong deed, then you should not punish him at all. The reason is because your dog will be confused and think you are punishing it for doing something else. This is why you must punish your dog while it is in the act of performing the wrong deed or immediately afterwards.

Your home is your domain. Your dog must see the environment they live in as your territory. Stepping around a lying dog or not moving the animal from a place you intend to use gives him the right of way. This should not be allowed. Dominance in the pack means exercising your power in a non-confrontational way but with firm resolve that this is your territory.

Your dog can learn an infinite number of commands. The amount of words he can learn are limited only by what you want to teach him. Your dog learns by associating a word or command with an action or object. For example, if you say "down" you expect your dog to get down.

If you have tried everything to keep your dog from digging up your garden with no success, it may be time to build a fence. This is especially good for large garden plots. A fence doesn't have to be ornate or expensive to be effective. Just a simple chicken wire fence should keep your dog from getting in.

If your dog is not listening while you are doing dog training, make sure that the dog is not ill. There will be no benefits to punishing your animal if it is not feeling well, and it can have very detrimental effects afterwards. If you are unable to decide if the dog is sick then contact a veterinarian for assistance.

Using a crate when you're not at home can be very effective, especially for a young puppy. The crate keeps your puppy safe and secure, and also protects your home from chewing and bathroom accidents. Your puppy can learn to feel comfortable and protected in his crate home while you are away.

Now you see how much you need to put into training a dog. While they are extremely fun to have around the house, they are a lot of work, especially at the beginning. It will be worth it, and you will find you have a new best friend that will love you unconditionally.

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